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Set against the backdrop of The Wizard of Oz, this teen fiction tale is both a chilling story of abuse and a timeless romance. Sixteen-year-old good girl Dorothy just blew into the small town of Highland Park—where the social headquarters is Munchkinland (Dunkin’ Donuts). There, she meets Joey—a bad boy who tells no one about the catastrophic domestic violence he witnesses at home. Can these two lovers survive peer pressure, Joey’s reputation, and his alcoholism? And then there’s his family secret which is about to be unleashed. Joey’s words are scattered on the page—reflecting his broken state. Dorothy is the voice of reason—until something so shattering happens that she, too, may lose her grip. Can their love endure, or will it melt away? Drawing from true events, this brutal love story will hit like a punch in the face and is sure to reach into the soul of every reader.
Looking for good books for teens? This contemporary ya is for you!
This amazing teen fiction trailer was created by Jacqueline Xerri:, winner of Selene Castrovilla's MELT contemporary ya book trailer contest for teens!
Watch it and you'll see why this is one of the most alluring good books for teens.
The tables are turned with a vengeance in this tour de force teen fiction love story. Nearly a year has gone by and now it’s Dorothy who is fragmented and lost, while Joey keeps the promise he had made her to better himself—even though she’s gone. Joey talks about what is happening in the present while Dorothy describes what happened before— in the moments and hours after the Glock dropped. This time the stakes are even higher, as Joey forces himself to move forward while Dorothy is frozen in place. But when he learns of a devastating decision, Joey races to find her before it is too late. Truth, consequence, repercussion and modern medicine collide as pieces converge in this psychological, thrilling story which begs the question: Can love really conquer all?
Looking for good books for teens? This contemporary ya is for you!
"Fans of novels written in verse will appreciate this story of survival and love. It is gripping and moving and so satifying. Castrovilla has a way of bringing the reader into the scene with character. I didn’t feel like I was just reading what was happening to the characters, but I was there experiencing it with them. "
-Blogger and book lover Joli Huynh wrote an article about good books for teens in The Children's Book Review and included Melt in her best teen fiction list! Hooray for contemporary ya!
Melt won six awards! It was heralded as one of the good books for teens not only in contests but by readers themselves. It is contemporary ya with heart; pulse-racing teen fiction.
Writing ya fiction can be a lot emotionally, so hanging out with fellow teen fiction authors like Adam Silvera and Martina Boone at the NYC Teen Author Festival was medicinal and fun! This photo was taken at the landmark Books of Wonder, where the mega book signing took place. Plenty of good books for teens! Selene was also a panelist at the NYC Public Library symposiums.
A teen fiction lover was so excited to grab up a copy of Melt sequel Signs of Life! There were so many good books for teens at this event, including many contemporary ya books--so being sought out was a huge compliment!
Selene was thrilled to be a part of the Teen Book Fest in Rochester, NY, where so many amazing teen fiction authors were featured. A contemporary ya bonanza, filled with so many good books for teens!
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